Do your people feel responsible for innovation?

By Gary Peacock
The last question Gary Hamel asked in his short 9-minute video was: Do you feel personally responsible for innovation? How can you do this?
Business Coaching Presentation Skill Negotiation Skills
By Gary Peacock
The last question Gary Hamel asked in his short 9-minute video was: Do you feel personally responsible for innovation? How can you do this?
By Gary Peacock
Gary Hamel recommends working on a prototype and recommends freeing up 50% of available time and freeing up some money to work on the project. All the businesses I have worked with are already pushed for resources: they don’t have enough time, money or people to do what they want. So, how can you get the resources—time, money and people – to work on some of your organizations problems?
By Gary Peacock
Management guru, Professor Gary Hamel has produced this short 9-minute video: Are you really serious about innovation. I am reluctant to argue with a guru like Gary Hamel, but I think he is wrong.