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For each of the past 10 years, Gordian Business has invited an international speaker to deliver a key message to our top clients.

We wanted to give you advanced notice of an Executive breakfast coming up on March 7 at the MGSM CBD Campus.

Please see the attached flyer highlighting our visiting US speaker Todd Snelgrove and the registration details.

Todd is giving only one address whilst in Australia and we are delighted he has agreed to do this at MGSM.

Todd is the Global Manager, Value at SKF a large Fortune 500 company based in Michigan USA.


 He is passionate about helping organisations understand the difference between price and cost. He is passionate about improving the contracting and negotiation process to ensure that value is realised and hits the bottom line.

Attached are details of this event. There is strictly limited numbers so to secure your place at this strategic breakfast, please RSVP by phone to MGSM (02) 9850 9016 or email the registration form to

If you having difficulties opening the brochure, please try opening it in a different browser.


Growth customers - Identify the hidden gems in your account base

By Peter Browne
To determine which accounts to manage strategically, companies typically use revenue as their main criteria. On one level this makes sense. Managing accounts strategically requires a large investment in time and resources, so receiving adequate revenue to justify this investment is valid.

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Do your people feel responsible for innovation?

By Gary Peacock
The last question Gary Hamel asked in his short 9-minute video was: Do you feel personally responsible for innovation? How can you do this?

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Negotiation Success is linked to the Power of 4

By Stephen Kozicki
It is December and we are all getting ready for a happy Christmas. In December people start to relax and get ready for the Christmas break. However, having worked on live negotiations for the past 25 years, this often means that people don’t prepare as well for negotiations. I want to focus on a few things to help us prepare and get the best possible outcome at the table using the power of 4.

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What Strategic Account Management and Social Media have in common: The Law of Reciprocity

By Peter Browne
When we start to work with Account Teams, one of the areas we focus on is creating value. With major accounts this means “beyond products and services” and “beyond this financial year”. In an environment where there is laser focus on achieving revenue targets and maximising returns from our customers this is often a difficult change in thinking for teams and their managers to make.

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